Time:2025-01-21 Browse: 39
One of the worst chores you can get stuck with? Cleaning the bathroom. The disgusting little tidbits you’re bound to find down your drain or in your tub are enough to make you steer clear of bathroom duty. But, like anything else, the bathroom has to be cleaned. If you’re like most of us and dread this odious task, we have some great tips for you! These 6 cleaning tips are quick, easy, and are going to make your least favorite chore an absolute breeze.
1. Use a squeegee.Pull the shower curtain closed when not in use, so water can't sit in the folds. Spread towels over two hooks to dry, or hang them on rods instead. Wipe shower walls with a squeegee after every use.
2.Keep healthy cleaning habits.Many modern cleaning products don't just remove dirt -- they leave harsh chemicals behind. Take an old-fashioned approach to cleaning, using gentle soaps and simple products you can find in your kitchen, such as baking soda or white vinegar.
3.Clean your toilet.Your toilets’ best friend? White vinegar. This all-natural cleaning solution kills germs, bacteria, mold, and makes scum vanish for a sparkling clean. Plus, you can use it all over.Pour vinegar in the top of your toilet and let that sit while you spray vinegar around the seat and clean.
Soak a paper towel with vinegar and stuff that under the rim of your toilet. Let that sit while you scrub your bowl with vinegar and your toilet brush. Remove the toilet paper, scrub under the rim with a cleaning toothbrush, and then flush for an all-over clean.
4.Clean your toilet brush.Speaking of your toilet brush, that guy has a whole lot of germs on him. You can guess why.
To prevent smells (and from scrubbing your toilet germs away with something just as germ-infested), pour a little all- purpose cleaner in the bottom of the brush holder for a constant clean and lovely smell.
5.Solve the soap scum.Clean soap scum by using an acidic cleaner. A solution of white vinegar and water, used sparingly, will cut through this stubborn residue, but always wear gloves and rinse completely afterward.
6.Spray tile, countertops, walls, and the ceiling with all-purpose cleaner .And turn on the shower, cranking the hot water until steam builds (about five minutes). Turn off the water, shut the door on your way out, and let the steam and the cleaner mix for 20 minutes. Then wipe down all surfaces with a clean cloth. To reach high spots, use a clean, dry microfiber mop. Wipe the tile floor, too, but only after you’ve finished the rest of the dirty work.
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